Abba’s Heart Outreach is caring for those who are underprivileged in our community. Jesus came to heal, save, restore and deliver, but He also came to empower people in very practical ways. In fact, in…

Christian Revival Center engages in missions all around the world. We have heard the call to “GO!” into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. We are salt and light in the nations that we touch which include Israel, Mexico, Multiple nations in the continent of Africa and more.

We believe that prayer is essential to the life of the believer. Personal prayer is vital to the life of the believer and fuels the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit for insight, revelation, wisdom and more. However, personal prayer is not the only expression that matters for the life of the believer. Corporate prayer, intercession and spiritual warfare is a MUST for every church.

The Bible says in Ephesians 4:11-13 – And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

There are times when the Body of Christ must gather, not only as a local church, but regionally and from even beyond the region. The Bible defines the church as God’s “ecclesia” in the earth. The ancient ecclesia was a governing body that legislated many things in their respective areas/regions.

We’re called to make disciples, and men’s ministry is an important part of accomplishing that mission.
Paul emphasized to Timothy the need for men to be at peace with one another as they served Christ together. Relationships take time, honesty, and patience. We build relationships with one another in the context of the word of God, adventure together and more. Men’s ministry at CRC is an essential part of accomplishing our vision and mission.

Women’s Ministry exists to nurture, encourage, and equip women to faithfully use their gifts for service in God’s kingdom. We are a group of honest, vulnerable and loving women who deeply care about one another and the Lord. We are pursuing HIS presence together in the context of the word of God, the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and adventures together where we take small trips and outings. From house to house and heart to heart, the women’s ministry is about building one another up in love.

We believe that children’s ministry is the most important ministry in the church. We must make reaching and teaching the next generation a top priority. Sad to say, in many churches children’s ministry is simply looked upon as “childcare” or a secondary ministry. It’s time we elevate children’s ministry. It is the future of the church. It is the greatest mission field. It is the heart of Jesus.